Nordic Drinking Water Conference

In 2016, The Nordic Drinking Water Conference will take place in Reykjavik, Iceland.

The conference provides a forum for professionals in the drinking water industry to share experience, knowledge and skills as well as to interact. The conference program offers a comprehensive cross section of the current research and developement activities in the Nordic countries. On offer are 90 presentations over 3 days, organized into 5 themes.


Emissions from electricity and heat productions high in Europe


Iceland has the lowest ratio of CO2 emissions from electricity and heat production in Europe, or 0%. In Estonia, which tops the list, the ratio is almost 80%. In many European countries emissions from electricity and heat production exceeds 50%, which will prove a challenge for authorities to lower significantly.

All production of electricity and heat in Iceland is from renewable energy sources, such as hydro power and geothermal.

CO2 emissions from electricity and heat production