
SAMORKA ERU SAMTÖK ORKU- OG VEITUFYRIRTÆKJA Á ÍSLANDI Innan samtakanna starfa fráveitur, hitaveitur, vatnsveitur, raforkuframleiðendur, raforkusalar og flutnings- og dreifingarfyrirtæki raforku. MEIRA UM SAMORKU fróðleikur frá ársfundi samorku KOLEFNISHLUTLAUS ORKU- OG VEITUSTARFSEMI FYRIR 2040 LESA MEIRA ORKU- OG VEITUGEIRINN ER Kynntu þér málið! SPENNANDI STARFSVETTVANGUR


Cold water is cheap in Iceland. In the other Nordic countries, you can expect to pay up to three times more. Long showers. A hot bath on a cold winter's night. Our local pools. Affordable luxury in Iceland. 90% of Icelandic homes are heated with geothermal water. The cost of electricity in Iceland is one of the lowest in europe - so charge all you want! Icelandic tap water is mostly untreated water – nothing added, nothing removed. 99,99% of electricity production in Iceland is from renewable energy sources, such as hydro power and geothermal.


Nordic Drinking Water Conference

In 2016, The Nordic Drinking Water Conference will take place in Reykjavik, Iceland. The conference provides a forum for professionals in the drinking water industry to share experience, knowledge and skills as well as to interact. The conference program offers a comprehensive cross section of the current research and developement activities in the Nordic countries. […]

Towards a greener future

Leading the way in renewables

Samorka flokkar

Geothermal, hydro power, wind and solar are renewable energy sources. The energy is green - harnessing it will not release harmful gases into the atmosphere or affect the environment.

99,99% of all electricity production in Iceland is from renewable energy sources and 90% of Icelandic homes are heated with geothermal water.

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